Course Outline:
Altair Inspire Studio is a 3D hybrid modeling and rendering suite application that enables designers, architects, and digital artists to create, evaluate and visualize design ideas faster than ever before.
This training is the first one of a series of three. They are dedicated to the following topics in the given order:
- Introduction
- PolyNurbs and Optimization
- Rendering and Animation
It is recommended to participate in all three trainings, but it is not mandatory.
Goals and Objectives:
- Get Started
- Where to find help
- User interface, Workspace/Ribbons, Preferences
- Select and Edit
- Views and Display Controls
- Shortcuts, Mouse Controls, Tool Belts
- Snaps and Aligns
- Browser: Organize and find objects
- Basic 2D Modeling
- Sketching
- Sketch constraints
- 2D/3D Primitives
- Curve tools
- Curve editing tools
- Basic 3D Modeling
- Surface modeling tools
- Solid modeling tools
- Modify tools
- Analysis and dimension
- Basic Drawing
- Create a sheet
- Print a sheet
- Save a sheet