Systems modeling courses

Embed is a software application for developing and prototyping microcontroller (MCU) firmware on embedded systems. With Embed you cand model and simulate systems of equations using block diagrams, state charts, or C code. You can automatically generate C code or MCU specific firmware from any block diagram model. Embed supports over 1200 MCU targets including families from Arduino, Linux (Raspberry Pi, AMD64), Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, as well as Windows based PC.  You can also interactively send and receive real time data between the MCU and the Host PC using Hotlink, a JTAG-based high-speed bidirectional communication link provided as part of the Embed application.

This session is part of a five-class series but can also stand by its own.

These are the sessions being part of that series:

  • Session 1:  Embed - Getting Started
  • Session 2:  Embed - Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno
  • Session 3: Embed - State Charts
  • Session 4:  Embed - Advanced Features
  • Session 5: Embed - Firmware Development using the Texas Instruments F28069M



It is recommended to have attended the Embed – Getting Started and the Embed – Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno sessions beforehand.


Goals and Objectives:

  • State Charts – Basic Blocks, Connections, Properties
  • Passing Data between Block Diagrams and State Charts
  • Transitions – Guards and Triggers
  • Actions – entry, Do, Exit, On Trigger
  • Debugging – Breakpoints, Watch Window
  • Thermostat Simulation Example
  • Pulse Counter Simulation Example
  • DC Motor Control HIL Example using Arduino Uno

Embed is a software application for developing and prototyping microcontroller (MCU) firmware on embedded systems. With Embed you cand model and simulate systems of equations using block diagrams, state charts, or C code. You can automatically generate C code or MCU specific firmware from any block diagram model. Embed supports over 1200 MCU targets including families from Arduino, Linux (Raspberry Pi, AMD64), Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, as well as Windows based PC.  You can also interactively send and receive real time data between the MCU and the Host PC using Hotlink, a JTAG-based high-speed bidirectional communication link provided as part of the Embed application.

This session is part of a five-class series but can also stand by its own.

These are the sessions being part of that series:

  • Session 1:  Embed - Getting Started
  • Session 2:  Embed - Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno
  • Session 3: Embed - State Charts
  • Session 4:  Embed - Advanced Features
  • Session 5: Embed - Firmware Development using the Texas Instruments F28069M



It is recommended to have attended the previous four sessions beforehand.


Goals and Objectives:

  • Overview - Embedded Firmware Development
  • Controlling the Order of Execution
  • High Speed Data Collection using the Monitor Buffer
  • Extern Read, Write, and Functions
  • Pulse Width Modulation
  • Encoders
  • PMSM Speed Control using sensored FOC

Embed is a software application for developing and prototyping microcontroller (MCU) firmware on embedded systems. With Embed you cand model and simulate systems of equations using block diagrams, state charts, or C code. You can automatically generate C code or MCU specific firmware from any block diagram model. Embed supports over 1200 MCU targets including families from Arduino, Linux (Raspberry Pi, AMD64), Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, as well as Windows based PC.  You can also interactively send and receive real time data between the MCU and the Host PC using Hotlink, a JTAG-based high-speed bidirectional communication link provided as part of the Embed application.

This session is part of a five-class series but can also stand by its own.

These are the sessions being part of that series:

  • Session 1:  Embed - Getting Started
  • Session 2:  Embed - Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno
  • Session 3: Embed - State Charts
  • Session 4:  Embed - Advanced Features
  • Session 5: Embed - Firmware Development using the Texas Instruments F28069M



It is recommended to have attended the Embed – Getting Started session beforehand.


Goals and Objectives:

  • Arduino Uno Hardware Description
  • Terminology and code generation
  • Standalone and Interactive Hardware In the Loop (HIL)
  • LED blink examples
  • Fixed Point Library
  • Compound Blocks – Conditional Execution
  • Target Interface Block – CPU Utilization
  • Reading a Potentiometer
  • Creating a Potentiometer Controlled Servo Motor

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Activate is a 1-D block diagram multiphysics simulation environment enabling the modeling of signal based and physical based systems.

Embed is a software application for developing and prototyping microcontroller (MCU) firmware on embedded systems. With Embed you cand model and simulate systems of equations using block diagrams, state charts, or C code. You can automatically generate C code or MCU specific firmware from any block diagram model. Embed supports over 1200 MCU targets including families from Arduino, Linux (Raspberry Pi, AMD64), Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, as well as Windows based PC.  You can also interactively send and receive real time data between the MCU and the Host PC using Hotlink, a JTAG-based high-speed bidirectional communication link provided as part of the Embed application.

This class is suitable for inexperienced users who want to learn how to use Embed or for experienced users that want to extend their knowledge in certain areas. 

For inexperienced users we recommend you attend sessions 1 and 2.  For experienced users we recommend you investigate topics discussed in sessions 3, 4, and 5. 

These are the sessions being part of that series:

  • Session 1:  Embed - Getting Started
  • Session 2:  Embed - Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno
  • Session 3: Embed - State Charts
  • Session 4:  Embed - Advanced Features
  • Session 5: Embed - Firmware Development using the Texas Instruments F28069M



Basic understanding of block diagram models is recommended.

Goals and Objectives:

  • GUI – Simulation Setup and Control
  • Blocks – Producers, Consumers, Variables
  • Data Types and Conversions
  • Plot Block features
  • Continuous, discrete, hybrid system modeling
  • Diagram Levels and scoping of Variables
  • Compound Block – Basic features

Embed is a software application for developing and prototyping microcontroller (MCU) firmware on embedded systems. With Embed you cand model and simulate systems of equations using block diagrams, state charts, or C code. You can automatically generate C code or MCU specific firmware from any block diagram model. Embed supports over 1200 MCU targets including families from Arduino, Linux (Raspberry Pi, AMD64), Texas Instruments, STMicroelectronics, as well as Windows based PC.  You can also interactively send and receive real time data between the MCU and the Host PC using Hotlink, a JTAG-based high-speed bidirectional communication link provided as part of the Embed application.

This session is part of a five-class series but can also stand by its own.

These are the sessions being part of that series:

  • Session 1:  Embed - Getting Started
  • Session 2:  Embed - Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno
  • Session 3: Embed - State Charts
  • Session 4:  Embed - Advanced Features
  • Session 5: Embed - Firmware Development using the Texas Instruments F28069M



It is recommended to have attended the Embed – Getting Started and the Embed – Introduction to Embedded Development using the Arduino Uno sessions beforehand.


Goals and Objectives:

  • Distance Sensing using Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Interrupts – Measurement of Time, Measurement of Distance
  • Adding Arduino Libraries to Embed Models
  • Compound Blocks – Do Loop, While Loop, Enabled Execution
  • Adding Models to the Embed Toolbar
  • Additional Blocks and Methods – Rising Edge Detector, Falling Edge Detector, One Shot, SR Flip Flop, Pulse counter, Buffer Block, FFT, Plotting Vectors, 1D, 2D, 3D Map Blocks, Bit Packing and Unpacking, Event Log and Display.

Compose is the Altair solution for scientific programming and visualization. In this class, users will learn how to navigate through the Compose GUI, they will learn the basics of Open Matrix Language (OML), the main language in Compose and how to use Python in Compose to leverage its custom libraries.


  • None

Main Topics:

  • Launching Compose
  • OML basics
  • General commands
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Built-in functions & commands
  • Looping & flow control
  • File operations
  • Plotting and visualization
  • User-defined functions
  • Python in Compose
  • Migrating third-party scripts
  • Compose Notebooks

Goals and Objectives:

  • The student will be able to write functioning scripts in OML for scientific computing.
  • The student will have an understanding of how to visualize data in Compose.
  • The student will know how to build a data bridge between OML & Python, and will be aware of the potential for handling CAE data in both languages.
  • The student will be able to migrate existing script from other scientific computing tools into Compose.
  • The student will be aware of Compose Notebooks and their potential as a tool for sharing documents with embedded scripts in them.

Compose is the Altair solution for scientific programming and visualization. In this class, users will learn how to integrate Compose into their CAE processes. Leveraging OpenMatrix Language (OML) in the full CAE pipeline results in simplified, shortened and enhanced pre- and post-processing capabilities using OML both within Compose and within other Altair solutions, like HyperWorks.


  • It is recommended to have attended the Compose Introduction training beforehand or to have the corresponding previous knowledge

Main Topics:

  • CAE readers, functions & writers.
  • Compose functions in HyperWorks applications
  • Using Compose with CAE solvers

Goals and Objectives:

  • The student will be able to leverage the different libraries for handling CAE data, writing files and reading CAE files both from Altair products and third-party tools (OptiStruct, Nastran, Abaqus, Ansys, Radioss, LS-DYNA, MotionSolve, ADAMS, etc.).
  • The student will know how to incorporate user defined OML functions for pre- and post-processing from within HyperWorks, allowing for customized analysis on its clients (HyperMesh, HyperGraph, HyperView, etc.).
  • The student will understand how registered functions in Compose can be used in HyperWorks solvers, as well as how to declare custom functions for optimization in OptiStruct.
  • The student will be aware of the tools with which Compose can call HyperWorks solvers in batch mode for automating processes (AltairIntegration library).