HyperWorks Pre - Geometry Cleanup and Midsurfacing

HyperMesh, an essential part of HyperWorks, is the cutting-edge finite element modeling software broadly used across industries for most advanced simulation purposes. An intuitive user interface with smooth workflows, extensive support of CAD and solver formats, and openness to customization are only three of its strong points.

This class is part of a five-class series but can also stand by its own.

These are the classes being part of that series:

  • HyperWorks Pre - Interface
  • HyperWorks Pre - Geometry Cleanup and Midsurfacing
  • HyperWorks Pre - 2D Meshing and Direct Midmeshing
  • HyperWorks Pre - 3D Meshing and 1D Meshing
  • HyperWorks Pre - Model Setup OptiStruct and Connectors



It is recommended to have attended the HyperWorks Pre - Interface class beforehand.

Goals and Objectives:

  • Geometry topology
  • Creation and edition of surfaces/solids
  • Simplification/Defeature of surfaces
  • Creation and edition of midsurfaces